Is It Safe to Eat Baby Puffball Mushrooms

You've probably seen a few puffball mushrooms earlier, whether you recognized them at the time or not.

Puffball mushrooms are extremely mutual and have many look-alikes as well.

Are puffball mushrooms poisonous? Most puffballs are non poisonous, and most mature puffballs can be eaten either raw or cooked. There are some fatally poisonous mushrooms that look a lot similar puffballs when they are young. Bated from eating unripe or soured puffballs, the deadly expect-alikes are the real issue.

Beneath, nosotros hash out whether or not puffball mushrooms are poisonous and examine some common toxic wait-alikes to avoid.

Puffball Mushrooms Facts

The puffball mushroom gets its name due to the "puff" of brown spores (which look similar grit) that come up out of the mushroom when it is squeezed or stepped on.

They belong to the Basidiomycota division of mushrooms.

Existent puffball mushrooms don't have visible stalks or stems; they are circular like a ball for the most part. They don't take an open cap like many mushrooms exercise either; rather they produce spores internally.

The distinguishing feature of all puffballs is that they do not take an open cap with spore-bearing gills. Instead, spores are produced internally.

Puffball mushrooms have been used for everything from making ink to being used equally a special ingredient in fume (smoke was used to anesthetize bees and was afterwards used during surgery as an anesthetic).

How To Place Edible Puffball Mushrooms

Two common puffball mushrooms growing nestled in the grass.

The first step to identifying edible puffball mushrooms is to make sure the mushroom has no gills, pores, cap, stem, or spine.

Information technology should look like a ball or have a ball-type shape with a stalk fastened to the ground. In one case you open it upwards, it should exist a make clean white color.

Are All Puffball Mushrooms Edible?

All puffball mushrooms are not edible, at least not at all stages of growth and development. Only puffball mushrooms that are entirely white on the inside should be eaten.

If there is even a hint of off-color to the white or it is already gray or brownish, the mushroom is past existence edible and could be toxic.

Tin Y'all Swallow Puffball Mushrooms Raw?

As long as the within of the mushroom is white – pure white and simply white – you can eat puffballs raw or cooked. If the puffball is large enough, y'all may fifty-fifty be able to swallow information technology as a stand-alone repast.

What Happens If You lot Inhale Puffball Spores?

If you inhale puffball spores, more than likely nothing is going to happen. That said, there is a respiratory disease (lycoperdonosis) that is induced past inhaling farthermost amounts of mature puffball spores.

The affliction is classified as inflammation inside the lung of the alveoli, thanks to the dust causing hypersensitivity pneumonitis.

Common Types of Puffball Mushrooms

At that place are several types of common puffball mushrooms. Below, we list the most significant varieties:

  • Bovista –  The Bovista puffball mushroom is a genus that belongs to the group of fungi known as "true puffballs."
  • Calvatia –  The Calvatia puffball mushroom is the genus that produces C. gigantea, the puffballs that grow equally large equally soccer balls.
  • Handkea –  The Handkea puffball mushroom is a genus that belongs to the Agaricaceae family. It has curvy slits on its torso rather than typical pores.
  • Lycoperdon –  The Lycoperdon puffball mushroom is one of the most widespread. They are pear-shaped puffballs with approximately 50 species worldwide.
  • Scleroderma – The Scleroderma is a fungi genus that is found all over the world and is commonly known equally "earth balls." They belong to the Boletales Sclerodermatineae order of puffballs.

How To Cook Puffball Mushrooms

Puffballs aren't difficult to cook; simply fry them in a skillet with a bit of butter.

First, yous must wash and then slice the puffball mushrooms. Side by side, get-go cooking them past melting some butter in a skillet, preferably over medium estrus.

I by one lay the sliced puffball mushroom pieces into the skillet. Let them melt until they are brown.

The overall cooking time should exist less than 5 minutes unless the heat is besides high or the mushrooms are huge.

You lot should be absolutely positive of a mushroom'due south identity before consuming. Be familiar with toxic varieties plant in your area, and check out these 24 Toxic Mushrooms To Avert to brainwash yourself.

Poisonous Mushrooms That Wait Similar Puffballs

If you choose to pick your own puffball mushrooms, be wary. There are numerous poisonous mushrooms that look like puffballs that you really don't want any function of.

The worst part is that they are extremely like shooting fish in a barrel to error for the real affair.

Below, we discuss several of the virtually crucial poisonous mushrooms that wait like puffballs that you should know well-nigh:


A fly agaric mushroom with a bright red cap with white spots growing on a mossy hill.

The Amanita genus of mushrooms includes hundreds of mushrooms. Most of the amanitas in the earth are poisonous, toxic, or fifty-fifty psychedelic (at the chance of death).

That said, many amanitas are white and but and then happen to resemble puffballs (peculiarly when they are young).

Amanitas are fatal and should never be eaten. They can exist identified past their veil and their stalk, both of which puffball mushrooms exercise not have.


One intact common earthball mushroom sitting beside one that has been cut in half.

The Sclerodomera mushroom is another poisonous mushroom that is commonly mistaken for puffball mushrooms.

Again, information technology is especially when they are young mushrooms that they appear so like to true puffball mushrooms.

The one departure is that inside of a immature Sclerodomera, the white flesh is hard, not soft and spongy like in a puffball. Scleroderma has been responsible for several deaths.

Destroying Affections (Amanita bisporigera)

Amanita virosa, or the destroying angel mushroom, growing beside a large bone in the woods.

The destroying affections, scientifically known as the Amanita bisporigera, is a type of Amanita that tin be found in Europe and N America.

Information technology is responsible for approximately 90% of poisonous mushroom fatalities in those areas. When it is young, it looks very much like a puffball and is fifty-fifty white inside.

This mushroom will kill you if you eat it.

Death Cap (Amanita phalloides)

A grouping of deadly death cap mushrooms growing in the woods.

The decease cap, scientifically known as the Amantia phalloides and also sometimes called death cup, is another deadly Amanita species that is easily mistaken for small puffballs when they are young mushrooms.

They are also white within, like healthy puffballs.

Related Questions:

Are Puffball Mushrooms Poisonous to Dogs?

Puffball mushrooms, and the expect-alikes, are just as harmful to dogs as they are to humans. In fact, they are more unsafe to dogs because dog noses are and so much more than powerful (and sensitive).

That means they are more than probable to develop lycoperdonosis than you are.

How Do I Become Rid of Puffballs in My Yard?

The best way to get rid of puffball mushrooms from your yard is to put on your pants, grab your shovel, scroll up your sleeves, and go dig them up.

After y'all've removed them, fertilize the surface area or plant it with fresh sod so the new turf discourages further fungi development.

You may besides want to remove roots and other organic droppings from your m that may promote mushroom growth likewise.

Terminal Thoughts

Puffball mushrooms are rubber to eat only if yous know how to identify them or get them from a reliable and experienced source.

They can exist toxic if they aren't ripe or are past ripe, non to mention the poisonous await-alikes!


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